Student and Family Wellness Resources
ALMA Student Information System
Title IX is a Federal Civil Rights Law that was passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972.
This law protects people from discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance.
Title IX states:
"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
What is sexual harassment?
Quid pro quo by an employee;
Unwelcomed conduct that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to a school's education program or activity; and/or
Sexual assault as defined by the Clery Act, and dating violence, domestic violence and stalking as defined by the Violence Against Women's Act.
The PLCs will be 60-90 minutes once a month.
ATIXA TIXKits and Informational Videos – No Cost (access forthcoming)
The ATIXA TIXKit is a great support to schools looking for template policies, grievance procedures and forms. ATIXA has created a specialized set of forms for K-12 schools that are fully customizable for your district and school's needs. On the same website, short informational training videos are also available that support Title IX understanding and compliance. We expect access to these resources soon - to access the forms and videos please contact me. I can help you find what you need or provide you a password so you can scroll through the site on your own time.
One-on-One Individualized Title IX Support – No Cost
I am available to help you! Please feel free to reach out to me directly any time with any Title IX related needs. While I cannot provide legal advice related to particular fact patterns, I can assist with your development and implementation of Title IX complaint teams, processes, and procedures. I can help you understand what your obligations are under this complex federal law and associated regulations and create a path to support compliance. I am available via email, phone, text or zoom. My contact information is included in my signature line.
Title IX Trainings – Low Cost ($60/per person)
Finally, we have a series of Title IX trainings available at very low cost. Each training is a series of short modules that you can start, stop, and come back to on your own schedule. The sixty dollar registration fee includes access to the following trainings:
Title IX Basics for K-12 (optional)
Title IX Investigator and Decision Maker Certification Course
Title IX Coordinator Certification Course
Title IX Decision Maker Appeals
Title IX Informal Resolution
Title IX Athletics
More information about these trainings and how to register is included in the attached handout.
Again, please feel free to reach out to me via email, phone or text at any time. I am excited to hear from and help you!
Best regards,
Annie Hightower, JDHightower Consulting, LLC(208) 389-8050 (phone and text)
Additional training content and resources can be found by following the link below.