2022-23 School Year

It's time to come back to school Wolverines!!!

School starts Monday, August 15th.
School registration has launched. All parents/guardians must register their students annually. 
Returning Students:
Parents/Guardians please visit gv-school.getalma.com to log in and register your student(s) if your student attended GVSD last year.  Your login name will be in this format firstname.lastname. If you have forgotten your password please click on the link at the above website to reset your password.
New Students:
Parents/Guardian please visit gv-school.almastart.com to log in and register your student(s) if you are new to GVSD or didn't attend GVSD in the 2021-22 school year.
We are looking forward to seeing all of our students on Monday, August 15th.