CONGRATULATIONS to Gracie Castillo!
Gracie will be wrestling at STATE on February 26th & 27th in Pocatello.

We have a District Champion! We are proud of you Nathan Willoughby!

HS Boys are Wrestling in Districts TODAY!
CONGRATULATIONS Nathan Willoughby on yout first two WINS!

Wrestling Districts is today in Caldwell. Gracie won her first match with a pin! Go Wolverines!

School Board Meeting Live Link 2-8-22

Congratulations to CRISTA JONES! You have won the Garden Valley Wolverine Blanket. Thank you to all that participated in the raffle. Raffle proceeds will help fund our new Boys Baseball Program.

GV Basketball at Council January 28th start time has changed to 4:30, 6:00, & 7:30.

HS JV Boys Basketball scheduled for Thursday, January 27th has been cancelled.

Garden Valley Schools (including Lowman Elementary) will be closed on Thursday, January 20th and on Monday, January 24th due to faculty, staff and student absences. Currently, over 25% of our staff are absent and we do not have enough substitutes to cover classes. In addition, almost 20% of our students are absent. Furthermore, many of our students, faculty and staff are sick and continuing to come to school. We are taking this measure in an effort to give 5 full days off for those with illness to heal. Full school operations will resume on Tuesday, January 25th.
All school activities, including athletic contests & practices are cancelled for Thursday the 20th and Monday the 24th due to school being closed. Activities and practices scheduled for Friday & Saturday will continue as planned, however, if you are sick please do not attend.
We will be conducting a full and thorough cleaning and sanitation of our building during this closure. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, and for any of you that are sick, we hope you get well and feel better soon.
Randy Thompson
Garden Valley School District #71 208-462-3756 Ext. 1020
Cell 478-308-9028

The High School Boys Basketball game scheduled for tonight, Wednesday, January 19th, against Meadows Valley has been CANCELED.

The HS Girls Basketball game vs. Idaho City has been cancelled due to a power outage and road conditions in Idaho City. The girls will practice after school today.

Public Forum on Supplemental Levy - Special Board Meeting
January 5, 2022, 6:00pm at the Garden Valley School
Follow the link below to watch the meeting live.

With the snowfall overnight, the Lowman Bus will be running about 15 minutes late this morning.
In addition, all buses could be slightly off schedule due to the road conditions.
Everyone please be safe on your morning commutes.
Thank you for your understanding and patience,
Randy Thompson

At the gym tonight, December 22nd!

The school bus for Terrace Lakes will be running about 5 minutes late on Monday morning. Please take note. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
Superintendent Thompson

Please join us tonight for HSVB Senior night. GV versus Council tonight 7pm. GO WOLVERINES!!!!

The 2021-22 school year starts tomorrow Wolverines!!! We are looking forward to seeing all of our Kindergarten - 12th Grade students in the morning. We will welcome our Preschool students after Labor Day.

School starts MONDAY, August 16th WOLVERINES!!!
All students need to be registered to attend Garden Valley School.
Parents, if you have not done so already, please check your email for the registration link and complete registration.
We look forward to seeing all of our students on Monday.
Have a wonderful weekend Wolverines!

XC Practices have started!
GO Wolverines!!!

Graduation Videos at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgUk7HyBAur33j3rmDc1rTA